alkohol und fahrerflucht


Erfahrener Benutzer

versuch dich mal an an dem kompletten Fragebogen und stell ihn hier ein. Die Fragestellung der Führerscheinstelle für die MPU wäre noch interssant.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:


1. Опишите день своего вождения в нетрезвом виде с вашей точки зрения с указанием даты и времени.
(когда, где и с кем пили / когда и как заметили / на тысячу)

2. Что и сколько вы выпили на Таттаге?
(Подробности в разнообразии, количестве, времени питья)

3. Сколько километров вы проехали, пока не заметили, и сколько километров вы хотели проехать в общей сложности?

4. Было ли у вас ощущение, что вы можете безопасно управлять автомобилем?
(Да / нет + обоснование)

5. Как вы хотели избежать вождения в нетрезвом виде (если вообще)?

6. Вы были под воздействием алкоголя в дорожном движении раньше и заметили ли вы?

7. Как часто вы пили на дорогах общего пользования, не привлекая внимания, и из чего вы делаете вывод?


8. Когда вы впервые познакомились с алкоголем и когда вы впервые употребили алкоголь?
(Первая память и первое потребление)

9. Пили ли вы регулярно на алкогольной основе и как ваши привычки в отношении алкоголя развивались в последние годы?

10. Сколько и как часто ты пил?
(Точные данные по сорту, количеству, частоте)

11. Где и с кем вы в основном пили?

12. Почему ты пил?
(Внутри + внешние мотивы)

13. Какой эффект вы видели в прошлом после употребления алкоголя?
(с небольшим и с большим количеством алкоголя)

14. Были ли какие-либо критические доказательства от других людей относительно вашего потребления алкоголя и как вы отреагировали?

15. Какое влияние и последствия оказало употребление алкоголя на вашу жизнь и окружающую среду?

16. Были ли в вашей жизни какие-либо предыдущие периоды, когда вы выпили намного больше алкоголя, чем сегодня?
Если да, пожалуйста, назовите этапы жизни и возможные причины и обстоятельства.

17. Вы когда-нибудь теряли контроль над своим количеством выпитого и употребляли алкоголь до тонуть?

18. Вы когда-нибудь сознательно и сознательно отказывались от алкоголя один раз или чаще в течение более длительного периода времени?

19. В какой категории пьющих вы видели друг друга раньше и как вы оцениваете себя сегодня в ретроспективе?
(с обоснованием)

Сегодня и в будущем

20. Вы пьете алкоголь сегодня? Если да, то как, сколько и как часто?
(Точные данные по сорту, количеству, частоте)

21. Когда вы в последний раз пили алкоголь?

22. Вы иногда пьете безалкогольное пиво?

23. Почему вы пьете алкоголь / не алкоголь сегодня?

24. Почему вы сократили или бросили пить и почему не раньше?

25. Как вы достигли изменения в своем поведении, связанном с употреблением алкоголя, и пережили фазу перехода?

26. Как ваше изменившееся поведение влияет на вас, вашу жизнь и окружающую среду?

27. Как вы гарантируете, что ваше новое поведение останется стабильным с течением времени?

28. Можете ли вы вообразить, что возвращаетесь к своим старым привычкам?
(с обоснованием)

29. Как вы хотите отделить пьянство от вождения в будущем?

30. У вас есть что добавить в конце?

Kannst du das lesen ? :zwinker0004:


Mit Übersetzer ja, aber warum schreibst du auf undere sprache?


Super-Moderator und MPU Profi
1. Describe the day of your drunk driving from your own point of view with date and times.
(when, where and with whom drunk / when and how noticed / per thousand)

2. What and how much did you drink on the Tattag?
(Details in variety, amount, drinking time)

3. How many kilometers did you drive until you noticed and how many kilometers did you want to drive in total?

4. Did you have the feeling that you could drive safely?
(Yes / no + justification)

5. How did you want to avoid drunk driving (if at all)?

6. Have you been under the influence of alcohol in traffic earlier and did you notice?

7. How often have you drunk on public roads without attracting attention and what do you conclude from this?


8. When did you first come into contact with alcohol and when did you first drink alcohol?
(First memory and first consumption)

9. Did you drink alcohol on a regular basis and how has your drinking habits evolved in recent years?

10. How much and how often did you drink?
(Exact data in variety, quantity, frequency)

11. Where and with whom did you mostly drink?

12. Why did you drink?
(Inside + outside motifs)

13. What effect have you seen in the past after consuming alcohol?
(with little and with much alcohol)

14. Was there any critical evidence from others regarding your alcohol consumption and how did you react?

15. What effects and consequences did your alcohol consumption have on your life and environment?

16. Have there been any previous periods in your life where you have drunk far more alcohol than you have today?
If so, please name the stages of life and possible causes and circumstances.

17. Have you ever lost control of your drinking volume and consumed alcohol to the point of drowning?

18. Have you ever consciously and deliberately renounced alcohol altogether once or more often over a longer period of time?

19. In which category of drinkers have you seen each other before and how do you rate yourself today in retrospect?
(with reason)

Today and in the future

20. Do you drink alcohol today? If yes, what, how much and how often?
(Exact data in variety, quantity, frequency)

21. When did you last drank alcohol?

22. Do you occasionally drink alcohol-free beer?

23. Why are you drinking alcohol / no alcohol today?

24. Why did you reduce or give up drinking and why not earlier?

25. How did you achieve the change in your drinking behavior and experienced the changeover phase?

26. How does your changed behavior affect you, your life and your environment?

27. How do you ensure that your new behavior remains stable over time?

28. Can you imagine ever falling back into your old habits?
(with reason)

29. How do you want to separate drinking from driving in the future?

30. Do you have anything to add at the end?


Auf die Schnelle ... oder muss ich wieder löschen :smiley2204::zwinker0004:


Super-Moderator und MPU Profi
Den FB musst aber DU dann kommentieren Max, mein Englisch reicht dafür nicht aus...:smiley1659:


1. Describe the day of your drunk driving from your own point of view with date and times.
(when, where and with whom drunk / when and how noticed / per thousand)
I went to a restaurant to meet my brother who came to berlin to visit me the previous night but unfortunately we couldnt meet on that day so i met him on 4th january 2019 in the morning around 10a.m
So after i met him we decided to get a couple of beers and because i knew we will want to move around with my car i called one of my friends to drive us later to meet my kid(son) at my girlfriends hause. My friend came after 2hours and it was around 13uhr. I later called one of my friends we used to drink mostly together and he also joined us. He also called a girl so that we can drink and party at the restaurant. We where now 4people in total, one girl and 3boys,at around 9p.m we decided to pick another girl in eisehuttenstatd and we knew her through the girl we where with. My friend was the one who was driving us all the way and he was the one to drive us again back to berlin because i was drunk.
After we arrived in eisehuttenstatd we waited at the entrence gate of asylheim for the girl to come out and we drive with her back to berlin but she took too long to prepare her self.
I was thirsty of smoking cigarettes and i had no cigarettes left so i told my friend to drive me to Tankstelle to buy cigarettes but he refused. So i decided to drive my self because it was 1.5km from where we where.
After a moving around trying to look where i could find Tankstelle thats when i was stopped with traffic police because of driving too slow. It was 1:30a.m
They asked me to do alcohol taste and i was drunk with 1.66promille so they asked me whos gonna drive the car and i told whem my friend was not drunk and he will drive us. He was also tasted alkohol and it was negative and we drove all to gether to do blood sample in which results for blood was 1.62 promille. Then we drove back to berlin.
2. What and how much did you drink on the Tattag?

(Details in variety, amount, drinking time)
I was drinking beer and vodka and between beer i was taking a swip of vodka
11uhr to 1uhr =9beers(berliner kindle) 0.5l
11uhr to 1uhr =4 wodka(grobachov) 0.1l

3. How many kilometers did you drive until you noticed and how many kilometers did you want to drive in total?
I had driven 2.6km before the police stopped me. I wanted to go to Aral petro station which was 850meters.
In total i wanted to drive 2km but we got lost with the google map.

4. Did you have the feeling that you could drive safely?
(Yes / no + justification)
Yes because of the alcohol tolerance i couldnt feel much drunk.
5. How did you want to avoid drunk driving (if at all)?

I called my friend so that he could drive us.

6. Have you been under the influence of alcohol in traffic earlier and did you notice?

7. How often have you drunk on public roads without attracting attention and what do you conclude from this?
About 50 mal with bicycle too and rest alcohol

8. When did you first come into contact with alcohol and when did you first drink alcohol?
(First memory and first consumption)
At the age of 13years at family traditional celebrations.
And at the age of 15years according to our culture after cercumsition you are forced to drink alcohol just to show that you are mature and thats when they gave me alcohol and its a self made alcohol called busaa.

9. Did you drink alcohol on a regular basis and how has your drinking habits evolved in recent years?
2000-2002>1 mal 1liter Busaa
2002-2004>2liters 1mal in a woche busaa
2005-2009>0.5l changaa 2mal in a woche
2009-ende 2010>5beer 0.5l 1mal in a woche
2010-2019>wodka 0.7l 2mal in a woche

10. How much and how often did you drink?
(Exact data in variety, quantity, frequency)
2000-2002>1 mal 1liter Busaa
2002-2004>2liters 1mal in a woche busaa
2005-2009>0.5l changaa 2mal in a woche
2009-ende 2010>5beer 0.5l 1mal in a woche
2010-2019>wodka 0.7l 2mal in a woche

11. Where and with whom did you mostly drink?
With friends in Asyl camp

12. Why did you drink?
(Inside + outside motifs)
At first was traditional to use alcohol to bring us together at that happy moment. And later in high school i was so shy(shamefull) to aproach a person of my opposite sex(girls) so i used alchol to ride off my shyness.
I also wanted to feel that i belong to some group of friends and i did what they did too.
2002 after the death of my father my life became difficult and i used alcohol to relieve stress.
2010 i took asyl and i was not supposed to move outside my Landkreis not even to go to work nor either to go to school so i had nothing to do so i joined my fellow asylum and we started drinking.
13. What effect have you seen in the past after consuming alcohol?
(with little and with much alcohol)
With little i feel celebrating moods and uplifting and edited mood
With much alcohol fatigue, nausea, mood swings and Angry.

14. Was there any critical evidence from others regarding your alcohol consumption and how did you react?
My mother used to worn me to stop alcohol that i wont end up well

15. What effects and consequences did your alcohol consumption have on your life and environment?
I used to go at my girlfrieds hause to see her and i will end up fighting her and police used to come oft to get me out of the hause. Later i would regret it after alcohol is out of my head.
I loosed trust from the rest of the family members.
I loosed money.
My health was not good because i couldnt eat normal way.

16. Have there been any previous periods in your life where you have drunk far more alcohol than you have today?
If so, please name the stages of life and possible causes and circumstances.
I no longer drink alcohol so we cannot compare

17. Have you ever lost control of your drinking volume and consumed alcohol to the point of drowning?
18. Have you ever consciously and deliberately renounced alcohol altogether once or more often over a longer period of time?
I have never dealt with alcohol before

19. In which category of drinkers have you seen each other before and how do you rate yourself today in retrospect?
(with reason)
Before i was a social drinker
Then later i abused alcohol

Today and in the future

20. Do you drink alcohol today? If yes, what, how much and how often?
(Exact data in variety, quantity, frequency)
21. When did you last drank alcohol?
22. Do you occasionally drink alcohol-free beer?
23. Why are you drinking alcohol / no alcohol today?
After the incident of drunk driving i was really schocked with the percentage of alcohol i was holding on in my body and the risk i was taking to drive while drunk and i had really tried to avoid drunk driving. This brought me into a schock and i decided to quit alcohol. Since when i even try to drink little i normally found my self taking more alcohol and i have noticed my alcohol tolerance is getting more and more.

24. Why did you reduce or give up drinking and why not earlier?
I have never thought how much i have really been drinking or even to meassure my alcohol percentage but i was schocked on this day the police checked my alcohol and this made me feel more afraid of loosing my life because the alcohol tolerance is up. With the help of my Verkehrspsychologie i have been able to work on my earlier drinking and we have been able to come up with asolution how to deal with it.
25. How did you achieve the change in your drinking behavior and experienced the changeover phase?
I first hade to quit all my earlier friends and i changed my anmeldung from the asyl Heim we used to stay all together with them, i found my self a job and i have been busy with my job. And during weekend when am not at work i goes to my girlfriend to help her with my son,am back my hobbies too so all my time is occupied.

26. How does your changed behavior affect you, your life and your environment?
Am happy now that i have gained strength and relationship of me my girlfriend my son and all my family members are now back in my life. Am back to my hobbies too.

27. How do you ensure that your new behavior remains stable over time?
I have learned to talk to people who are close to me any problem that i may be facing and i have withdrawn all my ealier friends. I have been talking to people and my church members about my ealier drinking behavior without shame and i like the way i get positive compliments about that. I have been also meeting people who wants to change and quit drinking and they have been asking for advice too.

28. Can you imagine ever falling back into your old habits?
(with reason)
No,i cant imagine because if i weigh between my earlier life and the life am leaving now am far more better.
So i cant leave a positive life and go back to a negative life.

29. How do you want to separate drinking from driving in the future?
I no longer drink

30. Do you have anything to add at the end?



Busaa is a local fermented maize with 7%alcohol
Changaa is alocal whisky made also from maize using a method of destilation, its found in kenya and its affordable cheap.
Changaa is 36%percent alcohol


Super-Moderator und MPU Profi
Busaa is a local fermented maize with 7%alcohol
Changaa is alocal whisky made also from maize using a method of destilation, its found in kenya and its affordable cheap.
Changaa is 36%percent alcohol
Thanks for the distillations.
I need a lot of time for the questionnaire, so please be patient.


Erfahrener Benutzer
Hallo Willy,

Vergleich deinen Fragebogen mit anderen hier im Forum, dadurch lernst du dazu.
Frage 28 ist eine Fangfrage!
z.B. Theoretisch kann ich mir das schon vorstellen, niemand kann in die Zukunft schauen. Falls ich nochmals in eine Situation kommen sollte, wende ich mich an meine Familie und Freunde und bespreche mit ihnen meine Probleme. Ich würde mich auch nicht scheuen professionelle Hilfe zu holen.
Max wird sich sicherlich bald melden.